Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Fight for Our Humanity Begins

A continuing downward spiral of misery or a new beginning of peace and equality...

That's what currently stands before us in the world affairs today.

It doesn't hover over any one group of people with a certain god, but it dangles in front of all of us. For those who find themselves religious, I'm talking about a new jerusalem. And if you knew where the word Jerusalem came from then you'd understand that the meaning of the word is "Peace."

Peace for who? Well... everyone on the planet... "Oh no! We can't have that! We can't be having all the wicked sodomites living in peace while they live contrary to the laws of the God that I personally believe in!!! That would be injustice! It's an outrage! Should peace ever come then I will execute the will of God myself to make sure that anyone who lives in a way disagreeable to my God will have hell to pay because it doesn't make any sense to me to have peace on a planet where people live differently than I do and hold different beliefs than I do!"

It's exactly this kind of religious bigotry that keeps this world from the promised land and the new jerusalem that these religious bigots hope for. But like the israelites in the story of moses, if they keep that attitude then they will never be able to enter into the promised land and instead they will wander the wilderness of religious bigotry while they believe a God that they've never met will be exclusive to a people who believe a certain way by blessing them with prosperity and keeping others who believe differently in misery. The extreme logical reality is... that mindset will NEVER bring peace to ANY world ANYwhere in existence!!!

Nevertheless, we now have solutions to all the worlds problems at our fingertips. Just a few quick changes in policy on a worldwide scale and this world would flip upside down into an era of peace and happiness unlike any other. The only thing that remains to be seen is whether or not we'll just end up the same way as the ancient israelites of the story in the old testament.

A political movement has begun unlike any movement in our history. This political movement works not by protest or violence of any means, but by reason and persuasion and according to the laws of the land that have been set up among us.

This political movement is not capitalist, not socialist, not communistic, but humanist. It's a gateway to true life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness unencumbered by the necessity to work for the man for our survival opening the gates for us to all become who we really are, which is... wonderfully civilized human beings all equally empowered to pursue happiness in whatever way we find right for ourselves.

Abraham Maslow called this process of becoming who we really are "self-actualization" and with just a few changes in policy, self actualization could become available for every single human on earth!

The implications of this would be astounding. Because it would change the world of labor into a world of play. The day people no longer have to work for money, they will be able to work for fun. And when that happens... it means free products. It means that certain groups of people will offer more advanced technology to the world... for free. Why? Because they finally CAN. And because they find it FUN.

Wanna know how it can be done? All you've got to do... is vote for ANONYMOUS in the next election for 2016. That would be the beginning of the process. ANONYMOUS presented the solutions to humanity's problems on July 4th, 2015. And now it's up to us all to implement them if we wish to finally enter into the promised land.

I've searched and searched my whole life and now... I know what I want. I want to live in "a new jerusalem", a peaceful world full of awe and wonder. A world where all humans are created equal and there exists no oppression among them in any form. I just hope I can live to see it in the lifetime I'm currently living upon this earth.

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